The Freelance Life

Look Ma! I'm Famous: Guest Post for Twago Magazine

Beauty and the Beast's Cogsworth

Once again, I've ventured outside of my comfort zone here on Incandescere to pen a guest blog post. "Make Procrastination Work For You" is today's guest post on twago magazine.

twago is an online resource for freelancers of all shapes and sizes. As one of Europe's top bidding sites for independent designers, coders, writers, developers and artists, twago allows freelancers to compete for contracts through a safe and professional portal.

Knowing that twago's audience is a bit more internationally widespread and diverse in any number of freelancing fields, I attempted to create a piece that could speak to any budding entrepreneur. At one time or another, most of us have been victims of our own procrastination. You'll read plenty of advice offering to help rid you of this bad habit, but I took a different tack.

I say don't fight your very normal, very human need to put off tomorrow what you know you have to do today. No. Instead, I say learn to lean into it. Follow your instincts to procrastinate, but only substitute your important To-Do list items with activities that would also benefit your business.

So if you find yourself veering off course lately, it doesn't have to be a struggle. Simply hop over to twago magazine's blog to check out the top 5 ways to make procrastination work for you.

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