Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: A Hotel In Chelsea

The Chelsea Hotel in New York by Candace Nicholson

Why This Is Awesome: I know much has been made of the Hotel Chelsea in recent years due to its ongoing gentrification and renovation. There have been numerous books and documentaries (included a brand new one featured in the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival) about the building's legacy and uncertain future.

Me, being the neo-boheme obsessed with bohemian culture, purchased a coffee table book in 2020 that gave readers a beautiful peek inside the homes of some of the few remaining residents and I couldn't recommend it more. After I devoured the book's amazing photos (courtesy of Colin Miller) and tales from the folks' who still call it home, I grew somewhat sad that I've never been able to see the building clearly due to the ever-present scaffolding that's been in place since I moved to the tri-state area.

Fast forward to last Monday. After going into the city to see my second screening at the Tribeca Film Festival (go here to check out the review of my first screening), I was delighted to find myself walking past the Chelsea on my way to catch the 1 train downtown.  

Of course, the perpetual tourist in me made a point to stop and snap a few photos of the building, only to find out -- lo and behold -- the scaffolding is no longer there. It may have been removed some time ago, and I was simply out of the loop. But what mattered most was, it was no longer there.

Sure, the shed was still in place blocking a clear view of the door and the ground floor facade, but her vertical sign shined perfectly in the golden hour sun and provided me with the perfect lotus moment.

I know her past isn't always pretty, and her present is ... problematic. But I was truly grateful to have the opportunity to see her face without the clunky hardware attached and revel in her beauty on that day. Who knows? Maybe someday, I'll get to see the interior in-person as well.

Image: The Hotel Chelsea in New York by Candace Nicholson

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