Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: #LiteracySelfie

Literacy Selfie - Sort Of

Why this is awesome: Did you know that September 8th is International Literacy Day? Yeah, I didn't either until 2 days ago when @IndyReadsBooks mentioned it on Twitter. Well, the word nerd in me made a point yesterday to grab this photo of my favorite reading routine on Sunday. It's me, relaxing on my couch with about 3 pillows, a cup of tea and my latest read.

Sorry, it's not a real "selfie" though. I have pretty long limbs, but apparently not long enough to get my face and the book cover in the shot with the soft lighting of my living room on a Sunday morning. But hey, you get the picture. ;-)

What am I reading? Left in Dark Times by Bernard-Henri Levy.

Did you take a #LiteracySelfie today?

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