Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Albert Camus Redux

Albert Camus image
Through the years, what I have always found at the heart of my sensibility is the refusal to disappear from this world, from its joys, its pleasures, its sufferings, and this refusal has made an artist of me.
Albert Camus, Algerian-born French author, philosopher and activist
I. Love. Festivals! A bit reductive, but it's true. I love festivals. Music festivals. Book festivals. Fringe theatre festivals. I even love those ...
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I. Love. Festivals! A bit reductive, but it's true. I love festivals. Music festivals. Book festivals. Fringe theatre festivals. I even love those ...

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If you've been reading my blog prior to August 2014, then you know I’m not a big fan of setting New Year's ...
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So Green Sheep Are Made Of Wood Now? Cool!

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Wise words from one of the most brilliant voices and personalities in Irish literary and cultural history
Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Oscar Wilde

Wise words from one of the most brilliant voices and personalities in Irish literary and cultural history

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