Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Alice Walker Redux

Alice Walker on set of Beauty In Truth
If art doesn't make us better, then what on earth is it for?
Alice Walker, American novelist, short story writer, poet and activist
It may sound Grinch-tastic, but I'm not much of a Christmas fan. Nothing's wrong with the sentiment ...
Hoosier in Tri-State

"... The Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day"

It may sound Grinch-tastic, but I'm not much of a Christmas fan. Nothing's wrong with the sentiment ...

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The past month has left us with some of the most turbulent moments of 2016. It seems we can't turn on our TVs, radios, computers or ...
Museum Exhibits

There's A Light Up In Harlem

The past month has left us with some of the most turbulent moments of 2016. It seems we can't turn on our TVs, radios, computers or ...

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Why This Is Awesome: I know we're closing out the month of November, but allow me to take you back to an even busier time in our ...
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Genii In Brick City

Why This Is Awesome: I know we're closing out the month of November, but allow me to take you back to an even busier time in our ...

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