Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Cyril Connolly

Cyril Connolly photo
Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self.
Cyril Connolly, British writer, critic and editor of literary magazine Horizon
Most blog posts this time of year are focused on reviewing the January-to-December ups and downs and ...
The Freelance Life

3 Trends To Leave Behind In 2013

Most blog posts this time of year are focused on reviewing the January-to-December ups and downs and ...

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A constant theme you'll hear many entrepreneurs, artists and freelancers discuss is the concept of feeling like a ...
Art & Mind

Financing The Imposter: Part Time, Side Hustle Or Fraud?

A constant theme you'll hear many entrepreneurs, artists and freelancers discuss is the concept of feeling like a ...

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It's seem like everyone is talking about marketing these days. Freelancers around the globe are constantly tackling the importance of ...
The Freelance Life

Open Forum: How Do You Advertise Your Business?

It's seem like everyone is talking about marketing these days. Freelancers around the globe are constantly tackling the importance of ...

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