Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Eugene Ionesco

Eugene Ionesco
The arts are man's most useless ... and essential ... activity.
— Eugène Ionesco, Romanian-born French playwright and king of French avant-garde theater
It may seem odd that we have days on the calendar dedicated to shopping. No, I'm not talking about days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday ...
Art & Mind

The Why Of Independent Bookstore Day

It may seem odd that we have days on the calendar dedicated to shopping. No, I'm not talking about days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday ...

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Wise words from one of the brightest minds in contemporary American literature who left us far too soon
Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: David Foster Wallace

Wise words from one of the brightest minds in contemporary American literature who left us far too soon

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Hi ladies and gents! It's been a long time since my last entry. Four-and-a-half months to be somewhat ...

That Time I Said I Would Revamp My Website

Hi ladies and gents! It's been a long time since my last entry. Four-and-a-half months to be somewhat ...

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