In late June 2018, I had the pleasure to review the East Coast premiere of Half Time, a new musical adaptation of the small documentary film, Gotta Dance. Centered around the true story of a senior citizen dance troupe recruited to perform during the half-time show for the New Jersey Nets basketball team, the story is a delightful tale that explores the realities of aging in a society that values youth above all else.
I, not only enjoyed the play and its brilliant cast -- Donna McKechnie, Andre De Shields, Lilias White, Lori Ann Chinn and the late great Georgia Engel -- I was told by one enthusiastic reader that they were going to buy tickets to see the play based on my review. I can't think of more glowing praise a writer can receive in response to their work.
You can read my review of the opening night performance over on via the link above or you can download the entire piece by clicking the link below: