Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Why this is awesome: OK. This image is a bit of a cheat because this is not what this street looks like at this moment, but it is what I hope it will look like soon.

Yes, I admit I am a bit of a basic b*tch in that I too love the idealized view of autumn. Fall has been my favorite season since I was a teen who couldn't wait to don my new school clothes for the year, step on crunchy leaves in the park, and argue in the age-old debate: Who would win in a fight between Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and Jason from Friday the 13th.*

Even though fall is the shortest season of the month, and the days become equally grey and sunny, millions of us in the Northern Hemisphere eagerly await its beginning every year. And this week, it begins. ::throws confetti::

And it is this beautiful photo and lotus moment that reminds of the start of the season, when the leaves are just beginning to turn colors and fall from the trees. There's still a lot of green left, and the summer heat lingers in the midday before dropping to cardigan-needy temps after sunset. It really is the best season. 🤗

I know it seems odd to overly romanticize something as simple as the changing of the seasons, but ... maybe it's one of those odd behaviors we can hope that we never outgrow.

Image: A Fall Walk in the Neighborhood by Candace Nicholson

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