Quotes To Live By

Quotes To Live By: Sarah Kane

Sarah Kane photo
Once you have perceived that life is very cruel, the only response is to live with as much humanity, humour and freedom as you can.
Sarah Kane, British playwright, screenwriter and theatre director
Wise words from a cultural and philosophical leader who led a generation (and more) to change the definition of what great American art can be
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Steal This Quote: Alain Locke

Wise words from a cultural and philosophical leader who led a generation (and more) to change the definition of what great American art can be

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No doubt you've heard the oft-repeated cliché of how the path to success can only be found through rising with ...
Art & Mind

I'm Turning Into A Morning Person & I Hate It

No doubt you've heard the oft-repeated cliché of how the path to success can only be found through rising with ...

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Wise words from everyone's favorite Algerian-born French novelist, journalist and philosopher.
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Steal This Quote: Albert Camus

Wise words from everyone's favorite Algerian-born French novelist, journalist and philosopher.

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