Quotes To Live By

Quotes To Live By: Tom Waits Redux

Tom Waits picture
Be devoted to the unification of the diverse aspects of yourself. Remember, most of what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Tom Waits, American singer, songwriter and musician
There’s an idea that writer’s block is a myth. The reality is that no one can be creative all the time. ...
The Freelance Life

Moving Beyond The Wall

There’s an idea that writer’s block is a myth. The reality is that no one can be creative all the time. ...

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Why This Is Awesome: Le mur des je t'aime is one of those tourist spots that you don't really travel to a city or ...
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Le Mur Des Je T'aime

Why This Is Awesome: Le mur des je t'aime is one of those tourist spots that you don't really travel to a city or ...

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Why this is awesome: I realize that I haven't talked about my birthday trip to Hawaii very much since ...
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Unbossed

Why this is awesome: I realize that I haven't talked about my birthday trip to Hawaii very much since ...

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