Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Lloyd Alexander

Lloyd Alexander photo
Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It is a way of understanding it.
Lloyd Alexander, American YA and children's fantasy novelist
Wise words from one of America's most influential trailblazers in contemporary entertainment
Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: RuPaul

Wise words from one of America's most influential trailblazers in contemporary entertainment

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What does it mean to inspire? What does it mean to be inspired? I have an entire tag devoted to ...
Art & Mind

To Be Or Not To Be (Inspired)

What does it mean to inspire? What does it mean to be inspired? I have an entire tag devoted to ...

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Wise words from one of Canada's most dynamic genre writers and artists
Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Charles de Lint

Wise words from one of Canada's most dynamic genre writers and artists

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