Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Miles Davis

Miles Davis landscape
When you're creating your own shit, not even the sky's the limit
— Miles Davis, American jazz musician, composer and artist
Why this is awesome: I saw this mural in Fountain Square after reading and chilling inside the Funkyard coffeehouse ....
Lotus Moments

Lotus Moment: Robot Party A Little Too Hearty

Why this is awesome: I saw this mural in Fountain Square after reading and chilling inside the Funkyard coffeehouse ....

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National Poetry Month is drawing to a close this week and I haven't added anything significant to the conversation. Partially, this is due to ...
Art & Mind

Poetic Relations (or How I Learned To Value Poetry In Spite Of My College Professors)

National Poetry Month is drawing to a close this week and I haven't added anything significant to the conversation. Partially, this is due to ...

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Wise words from a cultural and philosophical leader who led a generation (and more) to change the definition of what great American art can be
Steal This Quote

Steal This Quote: Alain Locke

Wise words from a cultural and philosophical leader who led a generation (and more) to change the definition of what great American art can be

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