Art & Mind

What Do You Consider Self-Care?

Say thanks by Jared Rice

As I gear up for an especially hectic week, I'm telling myself to keep my eyes on the prize. The prize being the 4 days off I'll have next week as a reward for the insanity that is currently underway. With two demanding positions filling my calendar on a 6-day rotation, it's easy to fall into the trap of working myself to the point of burnout, then in an act of defiance, eschew all responsibilities and stew at home in my own resentment, ghosting anyone attempting to ask me to do the slightest task or favor.

So in an attempt to avoid that mental merry-go-round, I look to that popular phrase we often see in our social media mentions and commentary: self-care.

Recently, I came across a survey on Instagram Stories asking others what does "self-care" mean to you? Is it playful? Is it restful? Is it creative? Is it a combination of 2 or more? Or is it something else completely?

Since the Story wasn't mine to reply to, I thought I'd take up the game here on my blog. Dividing up self-care into three subtypes -- Physical, Mental, and Spiritual, I thought I'd share what my self-care looks like. And yes, some of these will be a welcome activity in my life next week after all the dust has settled on this week's flurry of organized chaos.

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For a lot of people, the concept of self-care may seem obvious, and they simply view it as the fun things they do on their days off. However, at the end of the day, I imagine everyone's idea of self-care is simply that which reduces our anxiety or stress. It may not always be fun or creative (e.g., going to the dentist or telling someone "no"), but it should help restore some peace of mind.

What do you think? What do you consider self-care? Are your self-care activities different from mine?

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