The Freelance Life

The Unpredictable Black Water Snake

Amazing Snake Drawing! on YouTube

It's Lunar New Year and, as expected, I'm ready to launch into a new journey where I turn my brightest ideas into rewarding action and remarkable growth. Except ... as I mentioned last month, my approach this year will be less planning it and more winging it.

So unlike similar posts from years' past, I won't be including a list of major plans for my freelance career in the Year of the Black Water Snake. No. I'll be taking in my options, analyzing what's best, and then ... going with the flow. Maybe it speaks to my own Snake-like tendencies (born in 1977). Maybe I'm following a more Western astrological concept (Pisces). Or maybe I'm just trying something new in hopes of finding new problems in the coming year.

No matter what the impetus, I have a feeling I'm in for an incredible journey. All I can hope for is that my destination is worth the trip. Given that the last Year of the Snake was 2001, I have plenty of reasons to be nervous. However, I believe no one's future has been written and life has too much potential for greatness to sit back and let it pass me by.

So here goes! Kung Hei Fat Choi!

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