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Beyond The Comfort Zone Of Comfort Zones - More Thoughts On Paris

Beyond The Comfort Zone Of Comfort Zones - More Thoughts On Paris. Now that we're well into the month of August, I'm beginning to hear the oft-asked question "Have you gone on vacation yet?"

What Happens When You Get What You Wish For: What Paris Did For Me

What Happens When You Get What You Wish For: What Paris Did For Me. One day last month,'s Word of the Day was ". middlescence. ." I joked on Twitter how the universe was reading my thoughts and trying to gaslight me.

Lotus Moment: Embrace Duality

Why This Is Awesome: Two years ago yesterday, I returned from my first -- but hopefully not my last -- trip to Paris. Not surprisingly, my.

Lotus Moment: Classique Metro

Why This Is Awesome: For my actual birthday during my. trip to Paris. , I decided to spend the day in Montmartre. Although it was a drizzling overcast afternoon, I enjoyed a lovely foodie-focused walking tour and thigh-burning hike up to Sacré-Coeur.

Lotus Moment: The Ups & Downs Of Montmartre

My birthday trip to Paris this year left me with a host of memories I've only yet to begin to unpack. But this image is one of my favorites that I captured during my lovely walking tour of Montmartre.

Lotus Moment: Unbossed

Unlike my trip to Paris for my birthday 5 years ago, where upon my return I dove into the details of the experiences I had, my musings on Hawaii have been a bit more subdued. Is it because my mini-milestone celebration was less remarkable? Hardly.

Extra! Extra! - BLU, IMA and Natives For Sale

However, charging a fee larger than the Louvre in Paris and without a guarantee that what you bring to the museum will be worthy of such a steep increase, I can't say I fault. the public for crying foul.

Lotus Moment: Port In The Storm

Rough Guide to Paris. and dedicated moleskin for all my birthday celebration planning have come in to play. These two books combine some of my favorite things: organization, history, culture and event planning. I'm such a nerd. :-). You might Also Like.

Lotus Moment: Creme A La Folie

Now, I've never been to Paris, but once I stepped inside, I felt as if I just been transported there. Including the rude manager who assumed I was just freeloading. LOL! It's honestly. magical. There's no other way to describe it.

Lotus Moment: As Life Passes By

Parmentier. metro station in Paris will ever render anything from my imagination that builds a new world to connect to, but I certainly found it extraordinary as I stood on the platform and people-watched, taking in all the details of the scene while waiting