The Freelance Life

Open Forum: Do You Keep Two Twitter Accounts?

Bathroom Twitter Message by Cambodia4kidsorg

I know some freelancers who prefer to separate business from personal at all times. They never discuss non-work related information on their blogs. They wouldn't think of using their personal Gmail account to contact potential clients. And they make sure that their social networking accounts are always business-focused.

I, on the other hand, have always belonged to the other camp. Sure, I keep my business finances separate from my personal finances. I handle all of my freelance company connections through a dedicated email address. I even maintain two resumes: one for freelance clients and another for the "9-to-5" world.

But I use only one Twitter account. I never thought I'd have the energy and ideas to generate content for two separate accounts through the same social networking marketplace. I also feel that anyone who wants to consider me for their business or co-working relationship, needs to know the kind of person they are approaching.

So I've never apologized for mixing business with personal in the Twitter arena. If you follow me, you'll see tweets about everything from my views on Occupy Wall Street to live tweets about WWE's Monday Night Raw. The fact that I have no problem discussing issues affecting the publishing industry, how to cope with the business of running a small business or updates marketing my latest blog entry was always a comforting sign that I was trying to live up to the concept displayed on my About page:

“A career is a continuous quest for greater harmony between who you are and what you do.” — Carole Kanchier

Also, it says right there on my Twitter bio that I wax effusive about everything from social media and publishing to art, culture and music. And culture isn't just what you learn about on a walking tour in a new city or read about in a book on your favorite era in history. It can include any phenomenon that grabs a collective of like-minded individuals and affects how they see the world and behave on a regular basis.

However, as I defend my approach to the wild, wild world of Twitter, I can certainly respect those who keep it separate. And I do wonder if there's an advantage to it.

Am I running off potential clients because I joined the voices of millions tweeting about Troy Davis' execution last fall? Can I really argue that I wouldn't be able to produce enough content to maintain two accounts if I've never tried? Would I be able to completely cleave the business from the personal and make sure that never the twain shall meet?

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts fellow freelancers and potential clients. Do I have this notion of running two Twitter accounts all wrong?

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